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How to make top 2 corners rounded only css

Learn how to round only the top 2 corners of an element using CSS.


To make the top 2 corners of an element rounded in CSS, you can use the border-radius property.

border-radius: 10px 0 0 0;

In this code, the first value (10px) sets the radius for the top-left corner, and the subsequent values set the radii for the other corners to zero.

Alternatively, you can use negative values to make only the top 2 corners rounded:

border-radius: -10px -0 0 0;

This will set the radius for the top-left corner to -10px and the top-right corner to 0, effectively making only those corners rounded.

Note that the border-radius property only affects the edge of an element, not its padding or background color.

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